19.2. Discontinuous Galerkin for the Wave Equation#
We solve the first order wave equation by a matrix-free explicit DG method:
Using DG discretization in space we obtain the ODE system
with mass-matrices \(M_p\) and \(M_u\), and the discretization matrix \(B\) for the gradient, and \(-B^T\) for the divergence.
The DG bilinear-form for the gradient is:
where \(\{ p \}\) is the average of \(p\) on the facet.
The computational advantages of a proper version of DG is:
universal element-matrices for the differntial operator \(B\)
cheaply invertible mass matrices (orthogonal polynomials, sum-factorization)
from ngsolve import *
from netgen.occ import *
from time import time
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.webgui import Draw as DrawGeo
box = Box((-1,-1,-1), (1,1,0))
# sp = Sphere((0.5,0,0), 0.2)
disc = Cylinder( Axes((0.5,0,0), X, Y), r=0.4, h=0.2)
shape = box-disc
geo = OCCGeometry(shape)
h = 0.1
mesh = Mesh( geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=h))
order = 4
fes_p = L2(mesh, order=order, all_dofs_together=True)
fes_u = VectorL2(mesh, order=order, piola=True)
fes_tr = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=order)
print ("ndof_p = ", fes_p.ndof, "+", fes_tr.ndof, ", ndof_u =", fes_u.ndof)
traceop = fes_p.TraceOperator(fes_tr, average=True)
gfu = GridFunction(fes_u)
gfp = GridFunction(fes_p)
gftr = GridFunction(fes_tr)
gfp.Interpolate( exp(-400*(x**2+y**2+z**2)))
gftr.vec.data = traceop * gfp.vec
ndof_p = 579425 + 525465 , ndof_u = 1738275
p = fes_p.TrialFunction()
v = fes_u.TestFunction()
phat = fes_tr.TrialFunction()
n = specialcf.normal(mesh.dim)
where \(\{ p \}\) is the average of \(p\) on the facet.
Bel = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_p, testspace=fes_u, geom_free = True)
Bel += grad(p)*v * dx -p*(v*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)
Btr = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_tr, testspace=fes_u, geom_free = True)
Btr += phat * (v*n) *dx(element_boundary=True)
B = Bel.mat + Btr.mat @ traceop
invmassp = fes_p.Mass(1).Inverse()
invmassu = fes_u.Mass(1).Inverse()
gfp.Interpolate( exp(-100*(x**2+y**2+z**2)))
gfu.vec[:] = 0
scene = Draw (gftr, draw_vol=False, order=3);
t = 0
dt = 0.3 * h / (order+1)**2
tend = 1.2
op1 = dt * invmassu @ B
op2 = dt * invmassp @ B.T
cnt = 0
with TaskManager():
while t < tend:
t = t+dt
gfu.vec.data += op1 * gfp.vec
gfp.vec.data -= op2 * gfu.vec
cnt = cnt+1
if cnt%10 == 0:
gftr.vec.data = traceop * gfp.vec
19.2.1. Time-stepping on the device#
import ngsolve.ngscuda
print ("Sorry, no cuda device")
Sorry, no cuda device
gfp.Interpolate( exp(-100*(x**2+y**2+z**2)))
gfu.vec[:] = 0
scene = Draw (gftr, draw_vol=False, order=3);
t = 0
dt = 0.5 * h / (order+1)**2 / 2
tend = 0.1
op1 = (dt * invmassu @ B).CreateDeviceMatrix()
op2 = (dt * invmassp @ B.T).CreateDeviceMatrix()
devu = gfu.vec.CreateDeviceVector(copy=True)
devp = gfp.vec.CreateDeviceVector(copy=True)
cnt = 0
with TaskManager():
while t < tend:
t = t+dt
devu += op1 * devp
devp -= op2 * devu
cnt = cnt+1
if cnt%10 == 0:
gfp.vec.data = devp
gftr.vec.data = traceop * gfp.vec
print (op1.GetOperatorInfo())
ProductMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 579425
ScaleMatrix, scale = 0.001, h = 1738275, w = 1738275
SumMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 1738275
SumMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 1738275
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 3x3), h = 1738275, w = 1738275
ProductMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 1738275
ProductMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 31875
Transpose, h = 1738275, w = 31875
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 125x35), h = 31875, w = 1738275
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 3x3), h = 31875, w = 31875
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 125x35), h = 31875, w = 1738275
ProductMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 1738275
ProductMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 31500
Transpose, h = 1738275, w = 31500
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 125x35), h = 31500, w = 1738275
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 3x3), h = 31500, w = 31500
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 125x35), h = 31500, w = 1738275
SumMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 579425
SumMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 579425
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 105x35), h = 1738275, w = 579425
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 105x35), h = 1738275, w = 579425
ProductMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 579425
SumMatrix, h = 1738275, w = 525465
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 105x60), h = 1738275, w = 525465
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 105x60), h = 1738275, w = 525465
ProductMatrix, h = 525465, w = 579425
N4ngla14DiagonalMatrixIdEE, h = 525465, w = 525465
SumMatrix, h = 525465, w = 579425
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 60x35), h = 525465, w = 579425
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 60x35), h = 525465, w = 579425
ts = time()
steps = 10
for i in range(steps):
devu += op1 * devp
devp -= op2 * devu
te = time()
print ("ndof = ", gfp.space.ndof, "+", gfu.space.ndof, ", time per step =", (te-ts)/steps)
ndof = 579425 + 1738275 , time per step = 0.09104654788970948
On the A-100:
ndof = 651035 + 1953105 , time per step = 0.0023579835891723634
19.2.2. Time-domain PML#
PML (perfectly matched layers) is a method for approximating outgoing waves on a truncated domain. Its time domain version leads to additional field variables in the PML region, which are coupled via time-derivatives only.
Formulation of B. Kapidani, J. Schöberl, arxiv
# from ring_resonator_import import *
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.geom2d import SplineGeometry
geo = SplineGeometry()
xneg =-0.43
xpos = 0.43
yneg =-0.48
ypos = 0.48
wslab = 0.04
cringx = 0.0
cringy = 0.0
rring = 0.4
gap = 0.005
pntx = [xneg,xpos]
pnty = [yneg,-rring-gap-wslab,-rring-gap,rring+gap,rring+gap+wslab,ypos]
pts = [geo.AddPoint(xi,yi) for yi in pnty for xi in pntx]
### geometry #######################################################
geo.Append (["line", pts[0], pts[1]], leftdomain=1, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[1], pts[3]], leftdomain=1, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[3], pts[2]], leftdomain=1, rightdomain=2)
geo.Append (["line", pts[2], pts[0]], leftdomain=1, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[3], pts[5]], leftdomain=2, rightdomain=0,bc="normal_wg_rightbottom")
geo.Append (["line", pts[5], pts[4]], leftdomain=2, rightdomain=3)
geo.Append (["line", pts[4], pts[2]], leftdomain=2, rightdomain=0,bc="normal_wg_leftbottom")
geo.Append (["line", pts[5], pts[7]], leftdomain=3, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[7], pts[6]], leftdomain=3, rightdomain=4)
geo.Append (["line", pts[6], pts[4]], leftdomain=3, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[7], pts[9]], leftdomain=4, rightdomain=0,bc="normal_wg_righttop")
geo.Append (["line", pts[9], pts[8]], leftdomain=4, rightdomain=5)
geo.Append (["line", pts[8], pts[6]], leftdomain=4, rightdomain=0,bc="normal_wg_lefttop")
geo.Append (["line", pts[9], pts[11]], leftdomain=5, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[11], pts[10]], leftdomain=5, rightdomain=0)
geo.Append (["line", pts[10], pts[8]], leftdomain=5, rightdomain=0)
geo.AddCircle(c=(cringx,cringy), r=rring, leftdomain=6, rightdomain=3)
geo.AddCircle(c=(cringx,cringy), r=rring-wslab, leftdomain=7, rightdomain=6)
for i in (1,3,5,7):
geo.SetMaterial(i, "air")
for i in (2,4,6):
geo.SetMaterial(i, "eps_nine")
data = geo.CreatePML(0.05)
normals = data["normals"]
mesh = Mesh(geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.05))
eps_r = {"air" : 1, "eps_nine" : 3**3}
for mat in mesh.GetMaterials():
if mat.startswith("pml_normal_wg"):
eps_r[mat] = eps_r["eps_nine"]
for mat in mesh.GetMaterials():
if mat not in eps_r:
eps_r[mat] = eps_r["air"]
### Parameters for Source field ######
wavelength = 1.542
fcen = 5/wavelength
df = 0.1
tpeak = 1
order = 3
fes_facet = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=order+1)
gfsource = GridFunction(fes_facet)
source_cf = sin( (pi/wslab)*(y-pnty[3]) )
fes_u = VectorL2(mesh, order=order, piola=True, order_policy=ORDER_POLICY.CONSTANT)
fes_p = L2(mesh, order=order+1, all_dofs_together=True, order_policy=ORDER_POLICY.CONSTANT)
fes_tr = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=order+1)
fes_hdiv = HDiv(mesh, order=order+1, orderinner=1)
n = specialcf.normal(2)
p,q = fes_p.TnT()
u,v = fes_u.TnT()
ptr,qtr = fes_tr.TnT()
uhdiv,vhdiv = fes_hdiv.TnT()
Bel = BilinearForm(grad(p)*v*dx - p*(v*n)*dx(element_boundary=True), geom_free=True).Assemble()
Btr = BilinearForm(0.5*ptr*(n*v)*dx(element_boundary=True), geom_free=True).Assemble()
Bstab = BilinearForm(p*(vhdiv*n)*dx(element_boundary=True), geom_free=True).Assemble()
nvec = { mat : ((normals[mat][0], normals[mat][1]) if mat in normals else (0,0)) for mat in mesh.GetMaterials() }
cfn = CF( [CF(nvec[mat]) for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])
cft = CF( ( cfn[1], -cfn[0] ) )
pml1d = mesh.Materials("pml_default.*|pml_normal.*")
eps = CF([eps_r[mat] for mat in mesh.GetMaterials()])
fes = fes_p*fes_p*fes_u*fes_u*fes_hdiv
emb_p, emb_phat, emb_u, emb_uhat, emb_hdiv = fes.embeddings
# gradient operator
traceop = fes_p.TraceOperator(fes_tr, False)
fullB = emb_u @ (Bel.mat + Btr.mat @ traceop) @ emb_p.T + emb_hdiv@Bstab.mat@emb_p.T
# mass matrices
invmassp = fes_p.Mass(eps).Inverse()
invmassu = fes_u.Mass(Id(mesh.dim)).Inverse()
Mstab = BilinearForm(uhdiv*vhdiv*dx, diagonal=True).Assemble()
Mstabinv = Mstab.mat.Inverse()
invp = emb_p @ invmassp @ emb_p.T + emb_phat @ invmassp @ emb_phat.T
invu = emb_u @ invmassu @ emb_u.T + emb_uhat @ invmassu @ emb_uhat.T + emb_hdiv@Mstabinv@emb_hdiv.T
# damping matrices
dampp1 = fes_p.Mass (eps, definedon=pml1d)
dampp2 = fes_p.Mass (eps, definedon=mesh.Materials("pml_corner"))
dampu1 = fes_u.Mass (OuterProduct(cfn,cfn), definedon=pml1d)
dampu2 = fes_u.Mass (OuterProduct(cft,cft), definedon=pml1d)
dampingu = emb_u @ dampu1 @ emb_u.T + (-emb_u + emb_uhat) @ dampu2 @ (emb_u.T + emb_uhat.T)
dampingp = emb_p @ dampp1 @ emb_p.T + emb_p @ dampp2 @ (2*emb_p.T-emb_phat.T) + emb_phat @ dampp2 @ emb_p.T
# source term
Lsrc = LinearForm(gfsource*q*dx(element_boundary=True)).Assemble()
srcvec = emb_p * (invmassp*Lsrc.vec).Evaluate()
# time-envelope:
def Envelope(t):
if abs((t-tpeak)/tpeak) < 1:
return (2*exp(1)/sqrt(pi))*sin(2*pi*fcen*t)*exp (-1/(1-((t-tpeak)/tpeak)**2))
return 0
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
scene = Draw (gfu.components[0], order=3, min=-0.05, max=0.05, autoscale=False)
t = 0
tend = 12
tau = 2e-4
i = 0
sigma = 10 # pml damping parameter
op1 = invp@(-fullB.T-sigma*dampingp)
op2 = invu@(fullB-sigma*dampingu)
with TaskManager():
while t < tend:
gfu.vec.data += tau*Envelope(t)*srcvec
gfu.vec.data += tau*op1*gfu.vec
gfu.vec.data += tau*op2*gfu.vec
t += tau
i += 1
if i%20 == 0: scene.Redraw()
The differential operators and coupling terms to the pml - variables are represented via linear operators;
print (fullB.GetOperatorInfo())
print (dampingp.GetOperatorInfo())
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 18560, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 18560, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 13920
ProductMatrix, h = 18560, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 18560, w = 7165
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 7165
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 7165
SumMatrix, h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
ProductMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 13920, w = 72125
ScaleMatrix, scale = 2, h = 13920, w = 72125
N4ngla18EmbeddingTransposeE, h = 13920, w = 72125
N4ngla18EmbeddingTransposeE, h = 13920, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
print (op1.GetOperatorInfo())
ProductMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
ScaleMatrix, scale = -1, h = 72125, w = 72125
Transpose, h = 72125, w = 72125
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 18560, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 18560, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 13920
ProductMatrix, h = 18560, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 18560, w = 7165
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 7165
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 20x15), h = 18560, w = 7165
SumMatrix, h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 15x15), h = 7165, w = 13920
ScaleMatrix, scale = 10, h = 72125, w = 72125
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
SumMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
ProductMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920
SumMatrix, h = 13920, w = 72125
ScaleMatrix, scale = 2, h = 13920, w = 72125
N4ngla18EmbeddingTransposeE, h = 13920, w = 72125
N4ngla18EmbeddingTransposeE, h = 13920, w = 72125
EmbeddedTransposeMatrix, h = 72125, w = 72125
EmbeddedMatrix, h = 72125, w = 13920
N6ngcomp9ApplyMassE, h = 13920, w = 13920