11.5. Normal-cont. HDG tricks#

We now turn over to the \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-HDG Stokes discretization:

  • We will first a discuss how to apply the facet dof reduction

  • Afterwards, we will explain a relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming discretizations to obtain a reduction of facet dofs also for the normal-continuity dofs

  • Finally, we will exploit knowledge about the pointwise divergence of the discrete solution (it’s zero) to reduce the local FESpaces

11.5.1. Projected jumps for the TangentialFacetFESpace#

For the \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-HDG Stokes discretization we can apply the “projected jumps” modification as well, simply adding the same frags and the compression on the TangentialFacetFESpace. We will apply it below, after introducing further tuning tricks.


Making the highest order dofs discontinuous is implemented for the facet spaces FacetFESpace, TangentialFacetFESpace and NormalFacetFESpace through the highest_order_dc flag. Further, the flag hide_highest_order_dc is implemented for all these spaces.

11.5.2. Relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming FESpaces#

After reducing the globally coupled tangential facet dofs we have degrees of freedom of order \(k-1\) on the facets for the tangential component, but still order \(k\) for the normal component (as we are in \(H(\operatorname{div})\). In view of an optimal dof-reduction on the facets we can do even better:

By relaxing \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conformity. Here, we again take the dofs for the highest order normal component and only for that we break up continuity, turning (again) one INTERFACE_DOF into two LOCAL_DOFs:

sketch for hdiv cont sketch for hdiv disc

The resulting velocity space (without the facet space) is

\[ V_h^T = \{ v \in [\mathbb{P}^k]^d(\mathcal{T}_h) \mid [\![\Pi^{k-1}_{\mathcal{T}_h} v \cdot n ]\!] = 0 \text{ on } \mathcal{F}_h\} \]

where \([\![\cdot]\!]\) is the usual DG jump operator.

The relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-version of the HDiv-space in NGSolve is obtained with the highest_order_dc flag:

HDiv(mesh, ..., highest_order_dc=True)


Breaking up the highest order continuity using the flag highest_order_dc is implemented in NGSolve also for the FESpaces: TangentialFacetFESpace, NormalFacetFESpace, HDiv, HCurl, H1, HDivSurface

We can map functions from the relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\) space to the standard \(H(\operatorname{div})\) space with a very simple average operator (that averages corresponding vector entries):

sketch for hdiv cont sketch for hdiv disc

In NGSolve this is easily achieved with calling Average of the relaxed HDiv space:


A few remarks on the application of the relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming method:

  1. When applying the relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming method the velocity solution will in general not be normal-continuous (and thus solenoidal) anymore. With the Average-operator a fully \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming velocity can be postprocessed.

  2. However, to also get “pressure robustness” for the Stokes problem the test function of the r.h.s. linear form needs to apply that average operator as well which is achieved with an application of the Average-operator (a.k.a. reconstruction operator) on the r.h.s. vector.

  3. The relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming HDG method works nice for the Stokes method and with the Average-operator preserves essentially all properties of the \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming HDG method. However, for Navier-Stokes problems things are a bit more careful (as mass matrix and convection term would in general require the reconstruction operator as well which is algorithmically inconvenient)


For more details on relaxed \(H(\operatorname{div})\)-conforming (H)DG methods see “P.L. Lederer, C. Lehrenfeld and J. Schöberl, Hybrid Discontinuous {Galerkin} methods with relaxed {H(div)}-conformity for incompressible flows. Part I, SINUM, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1137/17M1138078” and “P.L. Lederer, C. Lehrenfeld and J. Schöberl, Hybrid Discontinuous {Galerkin} methods with relaxed {H(div)}-conformity for incompressible flows. Part II, ESAIM: M2AN, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1051/m2an/2018054

11.5.3. Highest order divergence-free spaces#

The HDiv space in NGSolve has a special construction of the hierarchical bases that allows as to reduce to all basis functions that have a divergence that is orthonal to the constants. For that the flag hodivfree=True can be provided to the FESpace.

When applied in the Stokes system, the pressure (as a Lagrange multiplier for the div-constraint), has to be reduced to piecewise constants in this case.


We note that with the hodivfree-flag only element-bubbles are removed in the velocity and the pressure space, i.e. we only achieve a reduction of LOCAL_DOFs not INTERFACE_DOFs with this approach.

11.5.4. Application to the Stokes discretization#

We take the same geometry as in the previous example:

Hide code cell source
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from netgen.occ import *
Hide code cell source
def solve_lin_system(a,f,gfu,inverse=""):
    aSinv = a.mat.Inverse(gfu.space.FreeDofs(coupling=a.condense),inverse=inverse)
    if a.condense:
        ainv = ((IdentityMatrix(a.mat.height) + a.harmonic_extension) @ (aSinv + a.inner_solve) @ (IdentityMatrix(a.mat.height) + a.harmonic_extension_trans))        
        ainv = aSinv
    rhs = f.vec.CreateVector()
    rhs.data = f.vec - a.mat * gfu.vec
    gfu.vec.data += ainv * rhs
Hide code cell source
cyl = Cylinder((0,0,0), Z, h=0.5,r=1)
mesh = Mesh(OCCGeometry(cyl).GenerateMesh(maxh=0.3)).Curve(3)

We consider eight different combination of spaces with three binary decisions:

  • reduction of the tangential facet space to one order less (or not)

  • reduction to a relaxed H(div) space with normal continuity only of one degree less (or not)

  • reduction of interior \(H(div)\) bubbles w.r.t. to the divergence (hodivfree) (or not)

order = 3

VT1 = HDiv(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="top|bottom|side")
VT2 = HDiv(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="top|bottom|side", hodivfree = True )
VT3 = HDiv(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="top|bottom|side", highest_order_dc=True)
VT4 = HDiv(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="top|bottom|side", hodivfree = True, highest_order_dc=True)
Vhat1 = TangentialFacetFESpace(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="bottom|top")
Vhat2 = Compress(TangentialFacetFESpace(mesh,order=order, dirichlet="bottom|top", highest_order_dc=True, hide_highest_order_dc=True))
Q1 = L2(mesh,order=order-1, lowest_order_wb=True)
Q2 = L2(mesh,order=0, lowest_order_wb=True)
N = NumberSpace(mesh)
fes_params= [(VT1,Vhat1,Q1,"std"), \
             (VT1,Vhat2,Q1,"t. red."), \
             (VT3,Vhat1,Q1,"n. red."), \
             (VT3,Vhat2,Q1,"n.+t. red."), \
             (VT2,Vhat1,Q2,"            hodf"), \
             (VT2,Vhat2,Q2,"t. red.,    hodf"), \
             (VT4,Vhat1,Q2,"n. red.,    hodf"), \
             (VT4,Vhat2,Q2,"n.+t. red., hodf")]
labeled_fes = [(VT * Vhat * Q * N, name) for VT,Vhat,Q,name in fes_params]

We setup the HDG Stokes system:

def setup_Stokes_HDG_system(fes, **opts):
    nu = 1
    gamma = 10
    yh, zh = fes.TnT()
    order = fes.components[0].globalorder
    (u, uhat, p, lam), (v, vhat, q, mu) = yh, zh
    uh, vh = (u, uhat), (v, vhat)
    tang = lambda u: u - (u*n)*n
    tjump = lambda uh: tang(uh[0]-uh[1]) 

    n = specialcf.normal(mesh.dim)
    h = specialcf.mesh_size

    K = BilinearForm(fes, **opts)
    K += (nu*InnerProduct(Grad(u), Grad(v)) + div(u)*q + div(v)*p + p * mu + q * lam) * dx
    K += nu * Grad(u) * n * tjump(vh) * dx(element_boundary = True)
    K += nu * Grad(v) * n * tjump(uh) * dx(element_boundary = True)
    K += nu  *gamma*order**2/h * InnerProduct ( tjump(vh),  tjump(uh) ) * dx(element_boundary = True)

    r = sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    f = LinearForm(fes)
    f += 500*CF((0,0,r-0.5))*v*dx


    return K,f

For different options on how to eliminate dofs and for the different methods we compute some metrics of the solution of the resulting linear systems: Effectively for every combination of methods we call:

a,f = setup_Stokes_HDG_system(fes, ...)
solve_lin_system(a,f, gfu=gfu)
Hide code cell source
linsys_opts = [({"condense": False},"  none"), \
               ({"eliminate_hidden": True},"hidden"), \
               ({"condense": True}," local")]
import time
  import pandas as pd
  from IPython.display import display, HTML
  html_output = True
  html_output = False
data = []
with TaskManager():
  for opts, elims in linsys_opts:
    if not html_output:
      print(f"\n\n dof elimination: {elims:9} \n")
      print(f"                |           ndofs          | ncdofs |     nze  | timing (ass.+sol.)")
    for fes, label in labeled_fes:
      gfu = GridFunction(fes)
      gfu.components[1].Set(CF((y,-x,0)), definedon=mesh.Boundaries("bottom"))
      timer1 = time.time()
      a,f = setup_Stokes_HDG_system(fes, **opts)
      timer2 = time.time()
      solve_lin_system(a,f, gfu=gfu)
      timer3 = time.time()
      if html_output:
        print(f"{fes.components[2].ndof:5}+{fes.components[3].ndof:1})",end=" ")
        print(f"|{sum(fes.FreeDofs(coupling=True)):7}", end=" ")
        print(f"|{a.mat.nze:9}", end=" ")
        print(f"| {timer3-timer1:4.2f} = {timer2-timer1:4.2f} + {timer3-timer2:4.2f}")
if not html_output:
                            columns=["dof elim.", "FESpace", "ndofs", "nd0", "nd1", 
                                     "nd2", "nd3","ncdofs","nze","time","ass.",
dof elim. FESpace ndofs nd0 nd1 nd2 nd3 ncdofs nze time ass. sol.
none std 25501 10980 12040 2480 1 13589 5280K 0.918 0.076 0.842
none t. red. 20685 10980 7224 2480 1 9813 3306K 0.883 0.141 0.743
none n. red. 27061 12540 12040 2480 1 12029 5370K 0.946 0.128 0.817
none n.+t. red. 22245 12540 7224 2480 1 8253 3371K 0.552 0.115 0.438
none hodf 21037 8748 12040 248 1 13589 4012K 0.601 0.113 0.488
none t. red., hodf 16221 8748 7224 248 1 9813 2324K 0.449 0.141 0.308
none n. red., hodf 22597 10308 12040 248 1 12029 4103K 0.625 0.074 0.551
none n.+t. red., hodf 17781 10308 7224 248 1 8253 2389K 0.424 0.054 0.370
hidden std 25501 10980 12040 2480 1 13589 5280K 0.837 0.100 0.737
hidden t. red. 20685 10980 7224 2480 1 9813 3306K 0.585 0.077 0.508
hidden n. red. 27061 12540 12040 2480 1 12029 5370K 0.841 0.092 0.748
hidden n.+t. red. 22245 12540 7224 2480 1 8253 3371K 0.523 0.086 0.437
hidden hodf 21037 8748 12040 248 1 13589 4012K 0.667 0.094 0.574
hidden t. red., hodf 16221 8748 7224 248 1 9813 2324K 0.440 0.102 0.337
hidden n. red., hodf 22597 10308 12040 248 1 12029 4103K 0.707 0.087 0.621
hidden n.+t. red., hodf 17781 10308 7224 248 1 8253 2389K 0.344 0.057 0.287
local std 25501 10980 12040 2480 1 13589 3317K 0.499 0.099 0.400
local t. red. 20685 10980 7224 2480 1 9813 1803K 0.351 0.096 0.255
local n. red. 27061 12540 12040 2480 1 12029 2687K 0.633 0.186 0.447
local n.+t. red. 22245 12540 7224 2480 1 8253 1348K 0.289 0.132 0.158
local hodf 21037 8748 12040 248 1 13589 3317K 0.737 0.175 0.562
local t. red., hodf 16221 8748 7224 248 1 9813 1803K 0.426 0.208 0.218
local n. red., hodf 22597 10308 12040 248 1 12029 2687K 0.590 0.145 0.445
local n.+t. red., hodf 17781 10308 7224 248 1 8253 1348K 0.500 0.159 0.341


The combination of tang. red and no condensation (condensed dofs: none) will not yield reasonable numerical results, see discussion above.

Let us check if the most reduced solution space (which yields the cheapest solution) is still able to solve the problem, by inspecting the solution:

N = 15
points = [ (sin(2*pi*k/N)*i/N, cos(2*pi*k/N)*i/N, j/N)   for i in range(1,N) for j in range(1,N) for k in range(0,N)]
fl = gfu.components[0]._BuildFieldLines(mesh, points, num_fieldlines=N**3//20, randomized=True, length=1)
ea = { "euler_angles" : (-40, 0, 0) }
Draw(gfu.components[0], mesh,  "X", draw_vol=False, draw_surf=True, objects=[fl], \
     min=0, max=1, autoscale=False, settings={"Objects": {"Surface": False, "Wireframe":False}}, **ea);