This page was generated from unit-5.5-cuda/EulerEquations.ipynb.
5.5.3 Euler equations¶
state variables:
mass density \(\rho\)
momentum \(m = \rho u\), with velocity \(u\)
energy density \(E\)
conservation of mass, momentum and energy:
\begin{eqnarray*} \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} & = & -\operatorname{div} \rho u \\ \frac{\partial \rho u}{\partial t} & = & -\operatorname{div} (\rho u \otimes u + p I) \\ \frac{\partial E}{\partial t} & = & -\operatorname{div} (E+p) u \end{eqnarray*}
closure equation for pressure: \(p = (\gamma-1) (E - \rho \tfrac{1}{2} |u|^2)\)
with heat capacity ration \(\gamma\) depending on gas, \(\gamma=1.4\) for atmosphere.
Compact notation:
with vector of state variables (in \(R^{d+2}\)):
and flux in \(R^{(d+2) \times d}\):
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
from time import sleep
import ngsolve.ngscuda as ngscuda
mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.02))
fesT = L2(mesh, order=order)**4
feshat = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=order)**4
fes = fesT*feshat
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
rho0 = 1+1*exp(-400*( (x-0.5)**2 + (y-0.5)**2))
with TaskManager():
gfu.components[0].Set( (rho0, 0, 0, 1) )
gamma = 1.4 # Gas constant
def Flux (U):
rho = U[0]
u = U[1:3]/rho
E = U[3]
p = (gamma-1)*(E-rho/2*(u*u))
return CF ( (rho*u, rho*OuterProduct(u,u)+p*Id(2),
ngsglobals.msg_level = 0
n = specialcf.normal(2)
stab = 1
def NumFlux(u, uo):
return 0.5*(Flux(u)+Flux(uo))
truecompile = False
(u,uhat), (v,vhat) = fes.TnT()
# bfa1 = BilinearForm(fes, nonassemble=True)
term1a = InnerProduct (NumFlux(u, 2*uhat-u), v.Operator("normal")).Compile(truecompile, wait=True)*dx(element_boundary=True)
term1b = (2*stab*v*(u-uhat)).Compile(truecompile, wait=True)*dx(element_vb=BND)
term2 = (-InnerProduct(Flux(u),Grad(v))).Compile(truecompile, wait=True)*dx
bfa = BilinearForm (term1a+term1b+term2, nonlinear_matrix_free_bdb=True).Assemble()
embT, embhat = fes.embeddings
resT, reshat = fes.restrictions
rangeT = fes.Range(0)
rangehat = fes.Range(1)
invm1 = embT@fesT.Mass(1).Inverse()@embT.T
# traceop = fesT.TraceOperator(feshat, average=True)
traceop = 0.5*fesT.TraceOperator(feshat, average=False)
traceop = traceop.CreateDeviceMatrix()
uT, vT = fesT.TnT()
with TaskManager():
invm = BilinearForm(uT*vT*dx, diagonal=True).Assemble().mat.Inverse()
invm_host = embT@invm@embT.T
invm = invm_host.CreateDeviceMatrix()
print(rangeT, rangehat)
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp: In function ‘void ApplyIPFunction(size_t, double*, size_t, double*, size_t, size_t, double*, double*)’:
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:35:11: error: ‘comp_0_0’ was not declared in this scope
35 | var_0_0 = comp_0_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:36:11: error: ‘comp_0_1’ was not declared in this scope
36 | var_0_1 = comp_0_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:37:11: error: ‘comp_0_2’ was not declared in this scope
37 | var_0_2 = comp_0_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:38:11: error: ‘comp_0_3’ was not declared in this scope
38 | var_0_3 = comp_0_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:216:12: error: ‘comp_26_0’ was not declared in this scope
216 | var_26_0 = comp_26_0;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:217:12: error: ‘comp_26_1’ was not declared in this scope
217 | var_26_1 = comp_26_1;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:218:12: error: ‘comp_26_2’ was not declared in this scope
218 | var_26_2 = comp_26_2;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_0_uFrIeB/newcode.cpp:219:12: error: ‘comp_26_3’ was not declared in this scope
219 | var_26_3 = comp_26_3;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp: In function ‘void ApplyIPFunction(size_t, double*, size_t, double*, size_t, size_t, double*, double*)’:
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:35:11: error: ‘comp_0_0’ was not declared in this scope
35 | var_0_0 = comp_0_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:36:11: error: ‘comp_0_1’ was not declared in this scope
36 | var_0_1 = comp_0_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:37:11: error: ‘comp_0_2’ was not declared in this scope
37 | var_0_2 = comp_0_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:38:11: error: ‘comp_0_3’ was not declared in this scope
38 | var_0_3 = comp_0_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:216:12: error: ‘comp_26_0’ was not declared in this scope
216 | var_26_0 = comp_26_0;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:217:12: error: ‘comp_26_1’ was not declared in this scope
217 | var_26_1 = comp_26_1;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:218:12: error: ‘comp_26_2’ was not declared in this scope
218 | var_26_2 = comp_26_2;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_1_02R9Ql/newcode.cpp:219:12: error: ‘comp_26_3’ was not declared in this scope
219 | var_26_3 = comp_26_3;
| ^~~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp: In function ‘void ApplyIPFunction(size_t, double*, size_t, double*, size_t, size_t, double*, double*)’:
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:134:11: error: ‘comp_3_0’ was not declared in this scope
134 | var_3_0 = comp_3_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:135:11: error: ‘comp_3_1’ was not declared in this scope
135 | var_3_1 = comp_3_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:136:11: error: ‘comp_3_2’ was not declared in this scope
136 | var_3_2 = comp_3_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:137:11: error: ‘comp_3_3’ was not declared in this scope
137 | var_3_3 = comp_3_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:156:11: error: ‘comp_4_0’ was not declared in this scope
156 | var_4_0 = comp_4_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:157:11: error: ‘comp_4_1’ was not declared in this scope
157 | var_4_1 = comp_4_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:158:11: error: ‘comp_4_2’ was not declared in this scope
158 | var_4_2 = comp_4_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_2_5slPwO/newcode.cpp:159:11: error: ‘comp_4_3’ was not declared in this scope
159 | var_4_3 = comp_4_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp: In function ‘void ApplyIPFunction(size_t, double*, size_t, double*, size_t, size_t, double*, double*)’:
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:134:11: error: ‘comp_3_0’ was not declared in this scope
134 | var_3_0 = comp_3_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:135:11: error: ‘comp_3_1’ was not declared in this scope
135 | var_3_1 = comp_3_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:136:11: error: ‘comp_3_2’ was not declared in this scope
136 | var_3_2 = comp_3_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:137:11: error: ‘comp_3_3’ was not declared in this scope
137 | var_3_3 = comp_3_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:156:11: error: ‘comp_4_0’ was not declared in this scope
156 | var_4_0 = comp_4_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:157:11: error: ‘comp_4_1’ was not declared in this scope
157 | var_4_1 = comp_4_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:158:11: error: ‘comp_4_2’ was not declared in this scope
158 | var_4_2 = comp_4_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_3_QA3iSD/newcode.cpp:159:11: error: ‘comp_4_3’ was not declared in this scope
159 | var_4_3 = comp_4_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_4_CB18Xz/newcode.cpp: In function ‘void ApplyIPFunction(size_t, double*, size_t, double*, size_t, size_t, double*, double*)’:
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_4_CB18Xz/newcode.cpp:31:11: error: ‘comp_0_0’ was not declared in this scope
31 | var_0_0 = comp_0_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_4_CB18Xz/newcode.cpp:32:11: error: ‘comp_0_1’ was not declared in this scope
32 | var_0_1 = comp_0_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_4_CB18Xz/newcode.cpp:33:11: error: ‘comp_0_2’ was not declared in this scope
33 | var_0_2 = comp_0_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_4_CB18Xz/newcode.cpp:34:11: error: ‘comp_0_3’ was not declared in this scope
34 | var_0_3 = comp_0_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_5_UirWkO/newcode.cpp: In function ‘void ApplyIPFunction(size_t, double*, size_t, double*, size_t, size_t, double*, double*)’:
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_5_UirWkO/newcode.cpp:31:11: error: ‘comp_0_0’ was not declared in this scope
31 | var_0_0 = comp_0_0;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_5_UirWkO/newcode.cpp:32:11: error: ‘comp_0_1’ was not declared in this scope
32 | var_0_1 = comp_0_1;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_5_UirWkO/newcode.cpp:33:11: error: ‘comp_0_2’ was not declared in this scope
33 | var_0_2 = comp_0_2;
| ^~~~~~~~
/tmp/ngsolve_tmp_0_5_UirWkO/newcode.cpp:34:11: error: ‘comp_0_3’ was not declared in this scope
34 | var_0_3 = comp_0_3;
| ^~~~~~~~
[0,232160) [232160,373056)
rho0 = 0.2+1*exp(-400*( (x-0.5)**2 + (y-0.5)**2))
with TaskManager():
gfu.components[0].Set( (rho0, 0, 0, rho0) )
gfubnd = GridFunction(fes)
gfubnd.components[1] = traceop * gfu.components[0].vec
Projector(fes.GetDofs(mesh.Boundaries(".*")), True).Project(gfubnd.vec)
gf_rho = gfu.components[0][0]
gf_u = gfu.components[0][1:3] / gf_rho
gf_E = gfu.components[0][3]
gf_p = (gamma-1)*(gf_E-gf_rho/2*(gf_u*gf_u)) # pressure
gf_a = sqrt(gamma*gf_p/gf_rho) # speed of sound
gf_M = Norm(gf_u) / gf_a # Mach number
print ("Density")
scene_rho = Draw (gf_rho, mesh, deformation=True)
print ("Velocity")
scene_u = Draw(gf_u, mesh, vectors={"grid_size":100})
print ("Mach number")
scene_M = Draw(Norm(gf_u)/gf_a, mesh)
t = 0
tend = 0.3
tau = 1e-4
i = 0
bfamat = bfa.mat.CreateDeviceMatrix()
traceop = traceop.CreateDeviceMatrix()
vec = gfu.vec.CreateDeviceVector()
vecbnd = gfubnd.vec.CreateDeviceVector()
hv = gfu.vec.CreateDeviceVector()
from time import time
with TaskManager():
while t < tend:
vec[rangehat] = traceop * vec[rangeT] + vecbnd[rangehat] = bfamat * vec
vec -= tau * invm * hv
t += tau
i += 1
if i%20 == 0: = vec
Mach number
print (bfamat.GetOperatorInfo())
SumMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
SumMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
SumMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
SumMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
SumMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 287808
Transpose, h = 373056, w = 287808
ProductMatrix, h = 287808, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x4), h = 287808, w = 143904
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 48x40), h = 143904, w = 373056
N6ngcomp22ApplyIntegrationPointsE, h = 287808, w = 287808
ProductMatrix, h = 287808, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x8), h = 287808, w = 287808
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 96x88), h = 287808, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 269376
Transpose, h = 373056, w = 269376
ProductMatrix, h = 269376, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x4), h = 269376, w = 134688
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 48x40), h = 134688, w = 373056
N6ngcomp22ApplyIntegrationPointsE, h = 269376, w = 269376
ProductMatrix, h = 269376, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x8), h = 269376, w = 269376
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 96x88), h = 269376, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 287808
Transpose, h = 373056, w = 143904
ProductMatrix, h = 143904, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 4x4), h = 143904, w = 143904
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 48x40), h = 143904, w = 373056
N6ngcomp22ApplyIntegrationPointsE, h = 143904, w = 287808
ProductMatrix, h = 287808, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x8), h = 287808, w = 287808
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 96x88), h = 287808, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 269376
Transpose, h = 373056, w = 134688
ProductMatrix, h = 134688, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 4x4), h = 134688, w = 134688
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 48x40), h = 134688, w = 373056
N6ngcomp22ApplyIntegrationPointsE, h = 134688, w = 269376
ProductMatrix, h = 269376, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x8), h = 269376, w = 269376
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 96x88), h = 269376, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 143904
Transpose, h = 373056, w = 287808
ProductMatrix, h = 287808, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x8), h = 287808, w = 287808
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 96x36), h = 287808, w = 373056
N6ngcomp22ApplyIntegrationPointsE, h = 287808, w = 143904
ProductMatrix, h = 143904, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 4x4), h = 143904, w = 143904
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 48x40), h = 143904, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 373056
ProductMatrix, h = 373056, w = 134688
Transpose, h = 373056, w = 269376
ProductMatrix, h = 269376, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 8x8), h = 269376, w = 269376
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 96x36), h = 269376, w = 373056
N6ngcomp22ApplyIntegrationPointsE, h = 269376, w = 134688
ProductMatrix, h = 134688, w = 373056
BlockDiagonalMatrixSoA (bs = 4x4), h = 134688, w = 134688
ConstantEBEMatrix (bs = 48x40), h = 134688, w = 373056
Code generation for the device¶
the volume-part of the bilinear-form
is represented in NGSolve as a list of operations:
print (term2)
Compiled CF:
Step 0: trial-function diffop = Id, dim=4
Step 1: ComponentCoefficientFunction 0
input: 0
Step 2: 1
Step 3: binary operation '/'
input: 2 1
Step 4: subtensor [ first: 1, num: ( 2,), dist: ( 1,) ], dim=2
input: 0
Step 5: scalar-vector multiply, dim=2
input: 3 4
Step 6: scalar-vector multiply, dim=2
input: 1 5
Step 7: reshape, dims = 2 x 1
input: 5
Step 8: reshape, dims = 1 x 2
input: 5
Step 9: matrix-matrix multiply, dims = 2 x 2
input: 7 8
Step 10: scalar-matrix multiply, dims = 2 x 2
input: 1 9
Step 11: ComponentCoefficientFunction 3
input: 0
Step 12: 2
Step 13: binary operation '/'
input: 1 12
Step 14: innerproduct, fix size = 2
input: 5 5
Step 15: binary operation '*'
input: 13 14
Step 16: binary operation '-'
input: 11 15
Step 17: scale 0.4
input: 16
Step 18: Identity matrix, dims = 2 x 2
Step 19: scalar-matrix multiply, dims = 2 x 2
input: 17 18
Step 20: binary operation '+', dims = 2 x 2
input: 10 19
Step 21: binary operation '+'
input: 11 17
Step 22: scalar-vector multiply, dim=2
input: 21 5
Step 23: VectorialCoefficientFunction, dim=8
input: 6 20 22
Step 24: unary operation ' ', dim=8
input: 23
Step 25: reshape, dims = 4 x 2
input: 24
Step 26: test-function diffop = grad, dims = 4 x 2
Step 27: innerproduct, fix size = 8
input: 25 26
Step 28: scale -1
input: 27
to extract the flux, we differentiate w.r.t. the test-function
print (term2[0].coef.Diff(Grad(v)))
Compiled CF:
Step 0: trial-function diffop = Id, dim=4
Step 1: ComponentCoefficientFunction 0
input: 0
Step 2: 1
Step 3: binary operation '/'
input: 2 1
Step 4: subtensor [ first: 1, num: ( 2,), dist: ( 1,) ], dim=2
input: 0
Step 5: scalar-vector multiply, dim=2
input: 3 4
Step 6: scalar-vector multiply, dim=2
input: 1 5
Step 7: reshape, dims = 2 x 1
input: 5
Step 8: reshape, dims = 1 x 2
input: 5
Step 9: matrix-matrix multiply, dims = 2 x 2
input: 7 8
Step 10: scalar-matrix multiply, dims = 2 x 2
input: 1 9
Step 11: ComponentCoefficientFunction 3
input: 0
Step 12: 2
Step 13: binary operation '/'
input: 1 12
Step 14: innerproduct, fix size = 2
input: 5 5
Step 15: binary operation '*'
input: 13 14
Step 16: binary operation '-'
input: 11 15
Step 17: scale 0.4
input: 16
Step 18: Identity matrix, dims = 2 x 2
Step 19: scalar-matrix multiply, dims = 2 x 2
input: 17 18
Step 20: binary operation '+', dims = 2 x 2
input: 10 19
Step 21: binary operation '+'
input: 11 17
Step 22: scalar-vector multiply, dim=2
input: 21 5
Step 23: VectorialCoefficientFunction, dim=8
input: 6 20 22
Step 24: unary operation ' ', dim=8
input: 23
Step 25: reshape, dims = 4 x 2
input: 24
Step 26: scale -1, dims = 4 x 2
input: 25
And for this program we generate low-level C-code. Only the function header and loop had to be changed for a cuda-kernel:
#include <cstddef>
__global__ void ApplyIPFunctionKernel (size_t nip, double * input, size_t dist_input,
double * output, size_t dist_output) {
auto values_0 = [dist_input,input](size_t i, int comp)
{ return input[i + (comp+0)*dist_input]; };
bool constexpr has_values_0 = true;
int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
for (int i = tid; i < nip; i += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
// step 0: trial-function diffop = Id
double var_0_0(0x0p+0 /* (0.0000000000000000e+00) */);
var_0_0 = 0.0;
double var_0_1(0x0p+0 /* (0.0000000000000000e+00) */);
var_0_1 = 0.0;
double var_0_2(0x0p+0 /* (0.0000000000000000e+00) */);
var_0_2 = 0.0;
double var_0_3(0x0p+0 /* (0.0000000000000000e+00) */);
var_0_3 = 0.0;
if (has_values_0) {
var_0_0 = values_0(i,0);
var_0_1 = values_0(i,1);
var_0_2 = values_0(i,2);
var_0_3 = values_0(i,3);
// step 1: ComponentCoefficientFunction 0
double var_1;
var_1 = var_0_0;
// step 2: 1
double var_2;
var_2 = 0x1p+0 /* (1.0000000000000000e+00) */;
// step 3: binary operation '/'
double var_3;
var_3 = var_2 / var_1;
// step 4: subtensor [ first: 1, num: ( 2,), dist: ( 1,) ]
double var_4_0;
double var_4_1;
var_4_0 = var_0_1;
var_4_1 = var_0_2;
// step 5: scalar-vector multiply
double var_5_0;
double var_5_1;
var_5_0 = (var_3 * var_4_0);
var_5_1 = (var_3 * var_4_1);
// step 6: scalar-vector multiply
double var_6_0;
double var_6_1;
var_6_0 = (var_1 * var_5_0);
var_6_1 = (var_1 * var_5_1);
// step 7: reshape
double var_7_0_0;
double var_7_1_0;
var_7_0_0 = (var_5_0);
var_7_1_0 = (var_5_1);
// step 8: reshape
double var_8_0_0;
double var_8_0_1;
var_8_0_0 = (var_5_0);
var_8_0_1 = (var_5_1);
// step 9: matrix-matrix multiply
double var_9_0_0;
double var_9_0_1;
double var_9_1_0;
double var_9_1_1;
var_9_0_0 = ((var_7_0_0 * var_8_0_0));
var_9_0_1 = ((var_7_0_0 * var_8_0_1));
var_9_1_0 = ((var_7_1_0 * var_8_0_0));
var_9_1_1 = ((var_7_1_0 * var_8_0_1));
// step 10: scalar-matrix multiply
double var_10_0_0;
double var_10_0_1;
double var_10_1_0;
double var_10_1_1;
var_10_0_0 = (var_1 * var_9_0_0);
var_10_0_1 = (var_1 * var_9_0_1);
var_10_1_0 = (var_1 * var_9_1_0);
var_10_1_1 = (var_1 * var_9_1_1);
// step 11: ComponentCoefficientFunction 3
double var_11;
var_11 = var_0_3;
// step 12: 2
double var_12;
var_12 = 0x1p+1 /* (2.0000000000000000e+00) */;
// step 13: binary operation '/'
double var_13;
var_13 = var_1 / var_12;
// step 14: innerproduct, fix size = 2
double var_14;
var_14 = (((var_5_0 * var_5_0)) + (var_5_1 * var_5_1));
// step 15: binary operation '*'
double var_15;
var_15 = var_13 * var_14;
// step 16: binary operation '-'
double var_16;
var_16 = var_11 - var_15;
// step 17: scale 0.4
double var_17;
var_17 = (0x1.9999999999998p-2 /* (3.9999999999999991e-01) */ * var_16);
// step 18: Identity matrix
double var_18_0_0;
double var_18_0_1;
double var_18_1_0;
double var_18_1_1;
var_18_0_0 = 1.0;
var_18_0_1 = 0.0;
var_18_1_0 = 0.0;
var_18_1_1 = 1.0;
// step 19: scalar-matrix multiply
double var_19_0_0;
double var_19_0_1;
double var_19_1_0;
double var_19_1_1;
var_19_0_0 = (var_17 * var_18_0_0);
var_19_0_1 = (var_17 * var_18_0_1);
var_19_1_0 = (var_17 * var_18_1_0);
var_19_1_1 = (var_17 * var_18_1_1);
// step 20: binary operation '+'
double var_20_0_0;
double var_20_0_1;
double var_20_1_0;
double var_20_1_1;
var_20_0_0 = var_10_0_0 + var_19_0_0;
var_20_0_1 = var_10_0_1 + var_19_0_1;
var_20_1_0 = var_10_1_0 + var_19_1_0;
var_20_1_1 = var_10_1_1 + var_19_1_1;
// step 21: binary operation '+'
double var_21;
var_21 = var_11 + var_17;
// step 22: scalar-vector multiply
double var_22_0;
double var_22_1;
var_22_0 = (var_21 * var_5_0);
var_22_1 = (var_21 * var_5_1);
// step 23: VectorialCoefficientFunction
double var_23_0;
double var_23_1;
double var_23_2;
double var_23_3;
double var_23_4;
double var_23_5;
double var_23_6;
double var_23_7;
var_23_0 = var_6_0;
var_23_1 = var_6_1;
var_23_2 = var_20_0_0;
var_23_3 = var_20_0_1;
var_23_4 = var_20_1_0;
var_23_5 = var_20_1_1;
var_23_6 = var_22_0;
var_23_7 = var_22_1;
// step 24: unary operation ' '
double var_24_0;
double var_24_1;
double var_24_2;
double var_24_3;
double var_24_4;
double var_24_5;
double var_24_6;
double var_24_7;
var_24_0 = (var_23_0);
var_24_1 = (var_23_1);
var_24_2 = (var_23_2);
var_24_3 = (var_23_3);
var_24_4 = (var_23_4);
var_24_5 = (var_23_5);
var_24_6 = (var_23_6);
var_24_7 = (var_23_7);
// step 25: reshape
double var_25_0_0;
double var_25_0_1;
double var_25_1_0;
double var_25_1_1;
double var_25_2_0;
double var_25_2_1;
double var_25_3_0;
double var_25_3_1;
var_25_0_0 = (var_24_0);
var_25_0_1 = (var_24_1);
var_25_1_0 = (var_24_2);
var_25_1_1 = (var_24_3);
var_25_2_0 = (var_24_4);
var_25_2_1 = (var_24_5);
var_25_3_0 = (var_24_6);
var_25_3_1 = (var_24_7);
// step 26: scale -1
double var_26_0_0;
double var_26_0_1;
double var_26_1_0;
double var_26_1_1;
double var_26_2_0;
double var_26_2_1;
double var_26_3_0;
double var_26_3_1;
var_26_0_0 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_0_0);
var_26_0_1 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_0_1);
var_26_1_0 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_1_0);
var_26_1_1 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_1_1);
var_26_2_0 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_2_0);
var_26_2_1 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_2_1);
var_26_3_0 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_3_0);
var_26_3_1 = (-0x1p+0 /* (-1.0000000000000000e+00) */ * var_25_3_1);
output[i+0*dist_output] = var_26_0_0;
output[i+1*dist_output] = var_26_0_1;
output[i+2*dist_output] = var_26_1_0;
output[i+3*dist_output] = var_26_1_1;
output[i+4*dist_output] = var_26_2_0;
output[i+5*dist_output] = var_26_2_1;
output[i+6*dist_output] = var_26_3_0;
output[i+7*dist_output] = var_26_3_1;
extern "C" void ApplyIPFunction (size_t nip, double * input, size_t dist_input,
double * output, size_t dist_output) {
ApplyIPFunctionKernel<<<256,256>>> (nip, input, dist_input, output, dist_output); }