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3.3.1 DG for the acoustic wave equation¶
We consider the acoustic problem
Here \(p\) is the acoustic pressure (the local deviation from the ambient pressure) and \(\mathbf{u}\) is the local velocity.
suitable boundary conditions
A simple grid:
from netgen import gui
from ngsolve import *
from netgen.geom2d import SplineGeometry
geo = SplineGeometry()
geo.AddRectangle( (-1, -1), (1, 1), bcs = ("bottom", "right", "top", "left"))
mesh = Mesh( geo.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1))
Find \(p: [0,T] \to \bigoplus_{T\in\mathcal{T}_h} \mathcal{P}^{k+1}(T)\) and \(\mathbf{u}: [0,T] \to \bigoplus_{T\in\mathcal{T}_h} [\mathcal{P}^k(T)]^d\) so that
with the centered flux approximation:
Here \(\hat{p}\) is the centered approximation i.e. \(\hat{p} = \{\!\!\{p\}\!\!\}\).
order = 6
fes_p = L2(mesh, order=order+1, all_dofs_together=True)
fes_u = VectorL2(mesh, order=order, piola=True, all_dofs_together=True)
fes = FESpace( [fes_p,fes_u] )
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
Draw(gfu.components[1], mesh, "u")
Draw(gfu.components[0], mesh, "p", min=-0.02, max=0.08, autoscale=False, sd=3)
What is the flag piola
The VectorL2
space uses the following definition of basis functions on the mesh.
Let \(\hat{\varphi}(\hat{x})\) be a (vectorial) basis function on the reference element \(\hat{T}\), \(\Phi: \hat{T} \to T\) with \(x = \Phi(\hat{x})\) and \(F= D\Phi\), then
Inverse mass matrix operations:¶
Combining Embedding
and the inverse mass matrix operation for fes_p
allows to realize the following block inverse operations acting on fes
pdofs = fes.Range(0);
emb_p = Embedding(fes.ndof, pdofs)
invmassp = fes_p.Mass(1).Inverse()
invp = emb_p @ invmassp @ emb_p.T
Analogously, combining Embedding
and the inverse mass matrix operation for fes_u
allows to realize the following block inverse operations on fes
udofs = fes.Range(1)
emb_u = Embedding(fes.ndof, udofs)
invmassu = fes_u.Mass(Id(mesh.dim)).Inverse()
invu = emb_u @ invmassu @ emb_u.T
Time loop¶
Assuming the operators B
: fes_p
\(\times\) fes_u
\(\times\) fes_u
)\('\) corresponding to \(B_h((u,p),(v,q)=b_h(p,v)\) are given, the symplectic Euler time stepping method takes the form:
def Run(B, BT, t0 = 0, tend = 0.1, tau = 1e-3, backward = False):
t = 0
with TaskManager():
while t < (tend-t0) - tau/2:
t += tau
if not backward: += -tau * invp @ BT * gfu.vec += tau * invu @ B * gfu.vec
print("\r t = {:}".format(t0 + t),end="")
else: += -tau * invu @ B * gfu.vec += tau * invp @ BT * gfu.vec
print("\r t = {:}".format(tend - t),end="")
Initial values (density ring):
gfu.components[0].Set (exp(-50*(x**2+y**2))-exp(-100*(x**2+y**2)))
gfu.components[1].vec[:] = 0
Version 1:¶
The bilinear form for application on the full space fes
n = specialcf.normal(mesh.dim)
(p,u),(q,v) = fes.TnT()
B = BilinearForm(fes, nonassemble=True)
B += grad(p)*v * dx + 0.5*(p.Other()-p)*(v*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)
BT = BilinearForm(fes, nonassemble=True)
BT += grad(q)*u * dx + 0.5*(q.Other()-q)*(u*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)
%time Run(B.mat, BT.mat, backward=False)
%time Run(B.mat, BT.mat, backward=True)
t = 0.10000000000000007
CPU times: user 5.08 s, sys: 103 ms, total: 5.18 s
Wall time: 1.29 s
t = -6.938893903907228e-17
CPU times: user 4.56 s, sys: 103 ms, total: 4.66 s
Wall time: 1.16 s
Version 2:¶
Using the TraceOperator
and assembling of \(b_h\)¶
We want to use the TraceOperator
fes_tr = FacetFESpace(mesh, order=order+1)
traceop = fes_p.TraceOperator(fes_tr, False)
We want to assemble the sub-block matrix and need test/trial functions for single spaces (not the product spaces):
p = fes_p.TrialFunction()
v = fes_u.TestFunction()
phat = fes_tr.TrialFunction()
We split the operator to \(b_h\) into * volume contributions (local) * and couplings between the trace (obtained through the trace op) and the volume:
Bel = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_p, testspace=fes_u)
Bel += grad(p)*v * dx -p*(v*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)
%time Bel.Assemble()
Btr = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_tr, testspace=fes_u)
Btr += 0.5 * phat * (v*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)
%time Btr.Assemble()
B = emb_u @ (Bel.mat + Btr.mat @ traceop) @ emb_p.T
CPU times: user 105 ms, sys: 16.1 ms, total: 121 ms
Wall time: 119 ms
CPU times: user 44.8 ms, sys: 3.77 ms, total: 48.5 ms
Wall time: 48.2 ms
Version 2 in action (assembled matrices, TraceOperators
and Embeddings
can do transposed multiply):
%time Run(B, B.T, backward=False)
%time Run(B, B.T, backward=True)
t = 0.10000000000000007
CPU times: user 4.3 s, sys: 2.22 s, total: 6.52 s
Wall time: 1.63 s
t = -6.938893903907228e-17
CPU times: user 4.26 s, sys: 2.37 s, total: 6.63 s
Wall time: 1.65 s
Version 3:¶
Using the TraceOperator
and geom_free=True
with assembling¶
With \(p(x) = \hat{p}(\hat{x})\) and \(\mathbf{v}(x) = \frac{1}{|\operatorname{det}(F)|} F \cdot \hat{\mathbf{v}}(\hat{x})\) (Piola mapped) there holds
and similarly for the facet integrals, cf. unit-2.11 and
Integrals are independent of the "physical element" (up to ordering)
\(\leadsto\) same element matrices for a large class of elements
Bel = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_p, testspace=fes_u, geom_free = True)
Bel += grad(p)*v * dx -p*(v*n) * dx(element_boundary=True)
%time Bel.Assemble()
Btr = BilinearForm(trialspace=fes_tr, testspace=fes_u, geom_free = True)
Btr += 0.5 * phat * (v*n) *dx(element_boundary=True)
%time Btr.Assemble()
B = emb_u @ (Bel.mat + Btr.mat @ traceop) @ emb_p.T
CPU times: user 1.9 ms, sys: 168 µs, total: 2.07 ms
Wall time: 1.03 ms
CPU times: user 2.13 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 2.13 ms
Wall time: 1.74 ms
Version 3 in action:
%time Run(B, B.T, backward=False)
%time Run(B, B.T, backward=True)
t = 0.10000000000000007
CPU times: user 702 ms, sys: 84.9 ms, total: 787 ms
Wall time: 196 ms
t = -6.938893903907228e-17
CPU times: user 681 ms, sys: 63.4 ms, total: 745 ms
Wall time: 187 ms
[Hesthaven, Warburton. Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Methods—Algorithms, Analysis and Applications, 2007]