Working with CoefficientFunctionsΒΆ
A CoefficientFunction is a function which can be evaluated on a mesh, and may be used to provide the coefficient or a right-hind-side to the variational formulation. As typical finite element procedures iterate over elements, and map integration points from a reference element to a physical element, the evaluation of a CoefficientFunction requires a mapped integration point. The mapped integration point contains the coordinate, as well as the Jacobian, but also element number and region index. This allows the efficient evaluation of a wide class of functions needed for finite element computations.
Some examples of using coefficient functions are:
a += Laplace (CoefficientFunction([1,17,5]))
f += Source (x*(1-x))
A CoefficientFunction initialized with an array stores one value per region, which may be a domain or a boundary region. Note that domain and boundary indices have 1-based counting. The Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z are pre-defined coordinate coefficient functions. Algebraic operations as - or * combine existing CoefficientFunctions to new ones.
A CoefficientFunction may be real or complex valued, and may be scalar or vector-valued. (Matrix valued CoefficientFunctions will be available in future versions.) Scalar CFs can be combined to vectorial CF by creating a new object from a tuple, and components of a vectorial CF can be accessed by the bracket operator:
fx = CoefficientFunction (0)
fy = CoefficientFunction ([1,2,3])
vec_cf = CoefficientFunction( (fx,fy) )
fx_again = vec_cf[0]
Since CFs require a mapped integration-point as argument, we first have to generate one. Calling the mesh-object with x, y, and optionally z coordinates generates one for us. Note, this requires a global search for the element containing the point:
>>> mip = mesh(0.2,0.4)
>>> (x(mip), y(mip))
(0.2, 0.4)
Also a GridFunction is a CoefficientFunction by inheritance, and can be used whenever a CF is required. If the finite element space provides differentiation, then
creates a new CoefficientFunction. Depending on the space, Deriv means the gradient, the curl, or the divergence. Direct evaluation of higher order derivatives is not supported, but can be approximated via interpolation:
V1 = H1(mesh,order=5)
V2 = H1(mesh,order=4,dim=2)
u = GridFunction(V1)
du = GridFunction(V2)
uxx,uxy,uyx,uyy = du.Deriv()
Draw (uxx, mesh, "uxx")
Draw (uxy-uyx, mesh, "not_perfect")
The symbolic definition of bilinear- and linear-forms uses also CoefficientFunctions, as in this example (b is a regular, vectorial CF):
u = V.TrialFunction()
v = V.TestFunction()
a += SymbolicBFI (b * u.Deriv() * v)
Here, u and v are so called ProxyFunctions, which do not evaluate to values, but are used as arguments in the definition of the forms. Also u.Deriv() is a ProxyFunction. When the form is evaluated in an integration point, the ProxyFunctions are set to unit-vectors, and the CoefficientFunction evaluates to an actual number.