This page was generated from unit-9.3-highorder/highorder.ipynb.
9.3 High Order Finite ElementsΒΆ
Finite elements implement the basis functions: myHOElement.hpp myHOElement.cpp
Finite element spaces implement the enumeration of degrees of freedom, and creation of elements: myHOFESpace.hpp myHOFESpace.cpp
from ngsolve.fem import CompilePythonModule
from pathlib import Path
m = CompilePythonModule(Path('mymodule.cpp'), init_function_name='mymodule')
called mymodule
from netgen.occ import unit_square
from ngsolve import *
from ngsolve.webgui import Draw
mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.2, quad_dominated=False))
We can now create an instance of our own finite element space:
fes = m.MyHighOrderFESpace(mesh, order=4, dirichlet="left|bottom|top")
and use it within NGSolve such as the builtin finite element spaces:
print ("ndof = ", fes.ndof)
ndof = 489
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
Draw (gfu)
Draw (grad(gfu)[0], mesh);
and solve the standard problem:
u,v = fes.TnT()
a = BilinearForm(grad(u)*grad(v)*dx).Assemble()
f = LinearForm(10*v*dx).Assemble() = a.mat.Inverse(fes.FreeDofs())*f.vec
Draw (gfu, order=3);
errlist = []
for p in range(1,13):
fes = m.MyHighOrderFESpace(mesh, order=p)
func = sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
gfu = GridFunction(fes)
err = sqrt(Integrate( (func-gfu)**2, mesh, order=5+2*p))
print (errlist)
[(1, 0.01847055901538545), (2, 0.0016028677378614217), (3, 0.00011616801306597612), (4, 5.80381522616505e-06), (5, 4.0568753743986986e-07), (6, 1.0483438418049003e-08), (7, 7.453675123934696e-10), (8, 1.2049863405103921e-11), (9, 8.874250841087325e-13), (10, 4.3306659616668924e-13), (11, 5.126904771937532e-13), (12, 1.231766820985857e-12)]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n,err = zip(*errlist)

Extend MyHighOrderFESpace by high order quadrilateral elements., page 68 ff
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