My DiffOpΒΆ

DiffOps are the static polymorphism classes implementing Operators for GridFunctions and Test- and TrialFunctions. They only have static member functions and are never created but only used as a template argument for DifferentialOperators. They use CRTP for "static virtual" methods. DifferentialOperator is the runtime polymorphism class wrapping them. Use T_DifferentialOperator<DiffOp> as a coupling mechanism.

We will need the identity and the gradient operator. These operators have to define the following enums:


Dimension of input


Dimension of FESpace


Dimension of Element


Dimension of range


Order of differentiation

The order of differentiation is used to choose the correct integration rules for integrating the polynomials. Further we need to implement a function that generates the result of the Diffop for one mapped integration point. This function gets a matrix because the result could be matrix valued. A minimal implementation of the identity would be this:

  class MyDiffOpId : public DiffOp<MyDiffOpId>
    // ******************** Necessary stuff *************************
    enum { DIM = 1 }; // dimension of the input (GridFunction,...)
    enum { DIM_SPACE = 2 }; // dimension of the space
    enum { DIM_ELEMENT = 2 }; // dimension of the element
    enum { DIM_DMAT = 1 }; // dimension of the output
    enum { DIFFORDER = 0 }; // order of differentiation

    template<typename MIP, typename MAT>
    static void GenerateMatrix(const FiniteElement& fel, const MIP& mip,
                               MAT& mat, LocalHeap& lh)
      HeapReset hr(lh);
      Cast(fel).CalcShape(mip.IP(), mat.Row(0));

    // ******************** Helper function ***************************
    static const MyBaseElement& Cast(const FiniteElement& fel)
    { return static_cast<const MyBaseElement&> (fel); }


Again some more functions can be implemented to improve performance, for example evaluation in the whole integration rule and SIMD implementations.

The gradient operator looks similar:

  class MyDiffOpGradient : public DiffOp<MyDiffOpGradient>
    // ******************** Necessary stuff *************************
    enum { DIM = 1 }; // dimension of the input (GridFunction,...)
    enum { DIM_SPACE = 2 }; // dimension of the space
    enum { DIM_ELEMENT = 2 }; // dimension of the element
    enum { DIM_DMAT = 2 }; // dimension of the output
    enum { DIFFORDER = 1 }; // order of differentiation

    // so that you can call grad(u)
    static string Name() { return "grad"; }

    template<typename MIP, typename MAT>
    static void GenerateMatrix(const FiniteElement& fel, const MIP& mip,
                               MAT& mat, LocalHeap& lh)
      // We need to compute the gradient on the reference element and
      // then transform it to the using the jacobian of the mapped
      // integration point
      HeapReset hr(lh);
      // create a temporary matrix on the local heap
      FlatMatrixFixWidth<2> dshape(fel.GetNDof(), lh);
      Cast(fel).CalcDShape(mip.IP(), dshape);
      mat = Trans(dshape * mip.GetJacobianInverse());

    // ******************** Helper function ***************************
    static const MyBaseElement& Cast(const FiniteElement& fel)
    { return static_cast<const MyBaseElement&> (fel); }


To make the DiffOp available at runtime we have to put it into a T_DifferentialOperator class as template argument. This happens next in the FESpace implementation.