2.2 Eigenvalue problems

We solve the generalized eigenvalue problem

\[A u = \lambda M u,\]

where \(A\) comes from \(\int \nabla u \nabla v\), and \(M\) from \(\int u v\), on the space \(H_0^1\)

In [1]:
import netgen.gui
%gui tk
from netgen.geom2d import unit_square
from ngsolve import *
from math import pi
import scipy.linalg
from scipy import random

mesh = Mesh(unit_square.GenerateMesh(maxh=0.1))

We setup a stiffness matrix \(A\) and a mass matrix \(M\), and declare a preconditioner for \(A\):

In [2]:
fes = H1(mesh, order=4, dirichlet=[1,2,3,4])
u = fes.TrialFunction()
v = fes.TestFunction()

a = BilinearForm(fes)
a += SymbolicBFI(grad(u)*grad(v))
pre = Preconditioner(a, "multigrid")

m = BilinearForm(fes)
m += SymbolicBFI(u*v)


u = GridFunction(fes)

The inverse iteration is

\[u_{n+1} = A^{-1} M u_n,\]

where the Rayleigh quotient

\[\rho_n = \frac{\left \langle A u_n, u_n\right \rangle}{\left \langle M u_n, u_n\right \rangle}\]

converges to the smallest eigenvalue, with rate of convergence \(\lambda_1 / \lambda_2\).

The preconditioned inverse iteration (PINVIT), see [Knyazef+Neymeyr], replaces \(A^{-1}\) by an approximate inverse \(C^{-1}\):

\[\begin{split}\rho_n = \frac{\left \langle A u_n, u_n\right \rangle}{\left \langle M u_n, u_n\right \rangle} \\ w_n = C^{-1} (A u_n - \rho M u_n) \\ u_{n+1} = u_n + \alpha w_n\end{split}\]

The optimal step-size \(\alpha\) is found by minimizing the Rayleigh-quotient on a two-dimensional space:

\[u_{n+1} = \operatorname{arg} \min_{v \in \{ u_n, w_n\}} \frac{\left \langle A v, v\right \rangle}{\left \langle M v, v\right \rangle}\]

This minimization problem can be solved by a small eigenvalue problem

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned} a y = \lambda m y\\with matrices\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
\[\begin{split}a = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \left \langle A u_n, u_n \right \rangle & \left \langle A u_n, w_n \right \rangle \\ \left \langle A w_n, u_n \right \rangle & \left \langle A w_n, w_n \right \rangle \end{array} \right) \quad m = \left( \begin{array}{cc} \left \langle M u_n, u_n \right \rangle & \left \langle M u_n, w_n \right \rangle \\ \left \langle M w_n, u_n \right \rangle & \left \langle M w_n, w_n \right \rangle \end{array} \right)\end{split}\]

Then, the new iterate is

\[u_{n+1} = y_1 u_n + y_2 w_n\]

where \(y\) is the eigenvector corresponding to the smaller eigenvalue.

Implementation in NGSolve

Create some help vectors:

In [3]:
r = u.vec.CreateVector()
w = u.vec.CreateVector()
Mu = u.vec.CreateVector()
Au = u.vec.CreateVector()
Mw = u.vec.CreateVector()
Aw = u.vec.CreateVector()

random initial condition, zero on the boundary

In [4]:
r.FV().NumPy()[:] = random.rand(fes.ndof)
u.vec.data = Projector(fes.FreeDofs(), True) * r

# from random import random
# freedofs = fes.FreeDofs()
# for i in range(len(u.vec)):
#    u.vec[i] = random() if freedofs[i] else 0
In [5]:
for i in range(20):
    Au.data = a.mat * u.vec
    Mu.data = m.mat * u.vec
    auu = InnerProduct(Au, u.vec)
    muu = InnerProduct(Mu, u.vec)
    # Rayleigh quotiont
    lam = auu/muu
    print (lam / (pi**2))
    # residual
    r.data = Au - lam * Mu
    w.data = pre.mat * r.data
    w.data = 1/Norm(w) * w
    Aw.data = a.mat * w
    Mw.data = m.mat * w

    # setup and solve 2x2 small eigenvalue problem
    asmall = Matrix(2,2)
    asmall[0,0] = auu
    asmall[0,1] = asmall[1,0] = InnerProduct(Au, w)
    asmall[1,1] = InnerProduct(Aw, w)
    msmall = Matrix(2,2)
    msmall[0,0] = muu
    msmall[0,1] = msmall[1,0] = InnerProduct(Mu, w)
    msmall[1,1] = InnerProduct(Mw, w)
    # print ("asmall =", asmall, ", msmall = ", msmall)

    eval,evec = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=asmall, b=msmall)
    # print (eval, evec)
    u.vec.data = float(evec[0,0]) * u.vec + float(evec[1,0]) * w

Draw (u)

Simultaneous iteration for several eigenvalues

Declare GridFunction with multiple components to store several eigenvectors.

In [6]:
num = 5
u = GridFunction(fes, multidim=num)

Create list of help vectors, random initialization of u vectors:

In [7]:
r = u.vec.CreateVector()
Av = u.vec.CreateVector()
Mv = u.vec.CreateVector()

vecs = []
for i in range(2*num):
    vecs.append (u.vec.CreateVector())

for v in u.vecs:
    r.FV().NumPy()[:] = random.rand(fes.ndof)
    v.data = Projector(fes.FreeDofs(), True) * r

Compute num residuals, and solve small eigenvalue problem on \(2 num\)-dimensional space

In [8]:
asmall = Matrix(2*num, 2*num)
msmall = Matrix(2*num, 2*num)
lams = num * [1]

for i in range(20):

    for j in range(num):
        vecs[j].data = u.vecs[j]
        r.data = a.mat * vecs[j] - lams[j] * m.mat * vecs[j]
        vecs[num+j].data = pre.mat * r

    for j in range(2*num):
        Av.data = a.mat * vecs[j]
        Mv.data = m.mat * vecs[j]
        for k in range(2*num):
            asmall[j,k] = InnerProduct(Av, vecs[k])
            msmall[j,k] = InnerProduct(Mv, vecs[k])

    ev,evec = scipy.linalg.eigh(a=asmall, b=msmall)
    lams[:] = ev[0:num]
    print (i, ":", [lam/pi**2 for lam in lams])

    for j in range(num):
        u.vecs[j][:] = 0.0
        for k in range(2*num):
            u.vecs[j].data += float(evec[k,j]) * vecs[k]

Draw (u)
0 : [11.6130455768801, 61.066110947635224, 82.49711365113266, 90.41384577806575, 96.98583176269047]
1 : [2.037296014502914, 5.994129376899316, 9.212270101228079, 16.752145334653957, 19.356324864358374]
2 : [2.0014100615066996, 5.092284538737162, 5.238911096053245, 10.123988712254931, 10.879020322598242]
3 : [2.0002554163633968, 5.012268562196962, 5.016722138616416, 9.213915664378316, 10.256909163977726]
4 : [2.000057169527135, 5.001025982274766, 5.0025582296087965, 8.719831456835285, 10.0918178567872]
5 : [2.000013593722611, 5.000120805946273, 5.000384594365776, 8.377992268553804, 10.035379830359405]
6 : [2.000003314919647, 5.000020247177596, 5.000055876284345, 8.184287429684003, 10.01410422992045]
7 : [2.000000821205276, 5.000004016939583, 5.00000849353781, 8.08609184849783, 10.005671478126507]
8 : [2.0000002058391035, 5.0000008179428255, 5.000001478437589, 8.039447631058222, 10.002288011579898]
9 : [2.0000000520461136, 5.000000168593007, 5.000000304198153, 8.017928866313158, 10.000924591937792]
10 : [2.000000013279318, 5.000000039218533, 5.000000071766628, 8.008121745129989, 10.000374075767763]
11 : [2.0000000034302508, 5.000000012511654, 5.000000020495333, 8.003675600991937, 10.000151525029434]
12 : [2.0000000009138295, 5.000000006632997, 5.0000000086298915, 8.00166315351873, 10.00006147486362]
13 : [2.000000000267371, 5.000000005221903, 5.000000005864453, 8.00075273753271, 10.000025013254238]
14 : [2.0000000001006097, 5.000000004822398, 5.000000005260717, 8.00034080330491, 10.000010241080249]
15 : [2.000000000057419, 5.00000000470997, 5.000000005129163, 8.000154364958556, 10.000004253440505]
16 : [2.0000000000461995, 5.000000004681857, 5.000000005098049, 8.00006995469134, 10.000001825435998]
17 : [2.000000000043275, 5.000000004674421, 5.000000005090545, 8.000031724949128, 10.000000840538995]
18 : [2.0000000000425104, 5.000000004672643, 5.000000005088353, 8.000014405452335, 10.000000440900093]
19 : [2.00000000004231, 5.000000004672329, 5.000000005087833, 8.000006556850161, 10.000000278698185]

The multidim-component select in the Visualization dialog box allows to switch between the components of the multidim-GridFunction.

In [ ]: